Marketing: self-promotion

Many thanks to my friends at the Pacific Northwest Writers Association (of which I'm such a fan!) and the Northwest Christian Writers Association for their laughter and their honest queries. Recently I shared an evening with NCWA – much fun and insight.

Some of you know that I’m an interactive presenter, rather than a lecturer. I like dialogue. Sure, I’m quite brilliant [insert impish laughter at myself here], but I know it’s so much more effective to relate with participants and to tailor my presentation to their interests and needs.

So, there we were at NCWA, and we kept coming back to this topic of self-promotion. Underlying the discussions was a dislike and mistrust of self-promo. I remember those days, fearful that self-promo equated to pride and arrogance. Sure, it can be, depending upon the intent of the self-promoter.

Why do I advocate for self-promo?

* You yourself are the one who is (or should be) most committed to your art – whatever it is that you do.
* You must take the initiative to create an atmosphere to get things done.
* We’re all so busy these days – we work too hard, we do too much, and we worry a lot. If you indeed have something good to offer, then your self-promo is a service to help us find you.

So, sure, you can be that jerk who’s arrogant, pushy and only talks about themself. But that’s not really self-promo – that’s just an arrogant, pushy, self-absorbed jerk.

Or, you can be yourself, and share your art with those who want or need it. Self-promo. It’s the natural next step.

Incidentally, as a result of many numerous conversations, I’m compiling two new workshops particularly intended for writers - though I would imagine they’ll be of help to non-writers as well.

* Introverts Unite! How many shy authors have I met over the years? So some practical tools and tips for the shy types.

* Blogging, Facebook, Twitter & other New Media: How to be present when you're not even here. Setting up your blog. Having a cyber presence without getting distracted from your writing.

Would love to hear your initial feedback and requests.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing at NCWA, we were enthralled. Although, coming from a stoic Norwegian line, I was a little worried that I might be the one you ended up touching during your animated presentation. Your life story was intriguing and your ideas refreshing and helpful. I would love to hear your blogging presentation, I am new to this world. You also convinced me to give into peer pressure and get on Facebook....I'm just procrastinating...thanks again!

  2. Momma Mindy, it is an absolute delight! to see your comment.

    [smiles] Thanks also for your honesty. And yes, I know exactly what you're saying - I do like to help people stretch in a direction they might not on their own.

    Will look for you on facebook, Momma Mindy. Delighted.

  3. Having taken to heart your comments about self-promotion and being pretty much in the dark as to what to do with this book I have just written, I am prevailing on your generosity to share with y'all my first book, "OWL - A True Story About Addiction, Mother Nature, Magic and Miracles . . . Among Other Things", with the hope that I might glean some constructive comments about the work, the market, and anything whatsoever that might be helpful to me at this particular juncture.


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