Workshops for Professionals & Youth

Since 2001, I've been facilitating workshops for adult professionals and youth - in fact, in that time I've presented to more than 6300 individuals. All of my presentations are designed to be a dialogue between participants. It's great fun.

Workshops for Professionals & Youth, tailored for the audience
– References available.

Writing & Marketing
* Dating, Evangelism & Viruses: Marketing Yourself and Your Books
Once you’ve written your book, the hard part is done, right? Maybe not so much. We’ll discuss marketing ideas: reaching your core audience, generating media (including new media), building the hype, and creating effective events.
* Introverts Unite! How many shy authors have I met over the years? So, some practical tools and tips for the shy types.
* Blogging, Facebook, Twitter & New Media: How to be present when you're not even here. Setting up your blog. Having a cyber presence without getting distracted from your writing.
Disclaimer: If you’re looking for a quiet, lecture-oriented exposition, these are not your workshops. We’re going to have fun.

Training Best Practices
The not-so-best-kept secrets to effectively reaching and engaging an audience or classroom. Key tips include: interactivity, testing for comprehension, move it!, don’t be afraid of the flow, and perspective. In a nutshell: One-sided lecture won’t get you far.

Forbidden Himalayan Kingdom
Enter the remote villages of the awe-inspiring high Himalayas, emphasizing the once-forbidden kingdom of Mustang, near the Tibetan border. Personal experience in collaboration with in-depth research. Analysis of a culture in transition, with personal comparisons to participants' own cultures in transition.

Connecting through Storytelling
Stories can draw us together. We’ll cover five key tips to create an atmosphere in which participants stretch themselves and grow. Great for camp directors, children’s storytime hosts, and even bosses.
Presentation Style
Interactive. I don’t believe in boring lectures, preferring instead an active dialogue.
Addressing various learning styles: verbal, visual, kinesthetic.
Maintaining the self-esteem and experience of participants.

Brenda Gurung has been in the book business for 12 years, most of it spent in community & client outreach, events management and training facilitation. She speaks regularly at conferences, for civic groups and in schools, having presented to more than 6300 since 2001. Brenda’s networks tend to intersect in youth and diversity issues, particularly with respect to marketing and outreach. Following her graduate studies in Siberia, she’s continued her focus on culture and business. “What is it that drives me?, “ Brenda asks, “Life is a great game, and there are whole worlds inside each of us.” Brenda blogs on building communities, the personal side of business, and diversity; with the bgurung blog group on Facebook.


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