Emergency rooms & the work we do

Let me begin this post that I hope you have few or no associations with middle-of-the-night visits to the hospital emergency room. It can be a dramatic, terrifying time.

But I am glad to say that recently for my beloved and I it was a time of great caring and an efficient medical system. Sometimes illness or pain or injury occurs when your doctor’s office and the clinics are closed. Sometimes we have few options.

And so, recently, my beloved and I found ourselves in the care of Tina and her colleagues at Overlake Hospital. I have to tell you, we were stunned to find far more than medical care but efficiency and a genuine kindness.

All this to remind me that, no matter what our occupation, it’s people whom we affect. How many times – in all those business and leadership texts I love – have I read about polls connecting perceived professional expertise with the level of interaction and perceived caring? That is, doctors are thought to be better when they appear to care about us.

And in other realms: a receptionist or office manager will influence how the organization is viewed by others – whether a business and its clients, a school and its parents, or a government agency and its constituents.

How might this impact the work each of us do? Who are the people we affect, whether it’s part of our direct work or no?

[Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, I’ve submitted a positive comment card to Overlake about Tina’s customer focus. Did I mention that she was amazing?]


  1. So true that one individual can make or break your experience somewhere. A reminder to those of us with businesses to give our staff positive feedback. Thanks, Brenda!


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